The FREE AFRICA FAMILY (FAFA) operates an educational and sports facility in Ghana.
You would like to support FAFA directly financially? You can transfer your donation to the following accounts. If you would like to make regular donations, please set up a standing order.
The donations can be claimed in your tax return. Our associations (Germany, Switzerland) are recognized as non-profit organizations in their respective countries.
Bank details Germany
IBAN: DE69 8306 5408 0004 2198 56
FREE AFRICA FAMILY e.V., Gieshügeler Str. 10, 97218 Gerbrunn
Bank details Switzerland
IBAN: CH41 8080 8007 0421 9480 7
FREE AFRICA FAMILY, Adlerstrasse 5, 9463 Oberriet
"There's really no reason why we can't start building a better future in Africa today."
Jürgen Henneberger
The FREE AFRICA FAMILY is a non-profit organization.
Many different people volunteer with their respective expertise for a better life for the children and orphans in Ghana.
What unites them all is the heart in the right place and the passion for a wonderful, open and transparent project.
It is exactly this passion that we want to share with you, because the children and orphans in Ghana also need your support.
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Kontakt Deutschland
Gießhügler Straße 10
97218 Gebrunn